PDF⋙ Software Deployment, Updating, and Patching (Information Security) by Bill Stackpole, Patrick Hanrion
Software Deployment, Updating, and Patching (Information Security) by Bill Stackpole, Patrick Hanrion
Software Deployment, Updating, and Patching (Information Security) by Bill Stackpole, Patrick Hanrion PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The deployment of software patches can be just as challenging as building entirely new workstations. Training and support issues can haunt even the most successful software launch for months. Preparing for the rigors of software deployment includes not just implementing change, but training employees, predicting and mitigating pitfalls, and managing expectations.
Software Deployment, Updating, and Patching provides the skills you need to develop a comprehensive strategy for tracking and managing system configurations, as well as for updating and securing systems with the latest packs and patches. Written by two of Microsoft’s top experts, this clear and concise manual demonstrates how to perform inventories of IT assets, test compatibility, target deployment, and evaluate management technologies. It also shows you how to create and implement your own deployment plans with recovery and remediation options, and how to recognize potential vulnerabilities.
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