PDF⋙ John 5 - Requiem (Guitar Recorded Versions) by John 5

John 5 - Requiem (Guitar Recorded Versions) by John 5

John 5 - Requiem (Guitar Recorded Versions)

John 5 - Requiem (Guitar Recorded Versions) by John 5 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Guitar Recorded Versions). The All Music Guide calls John 5's fourth album "a total and utter shred-fest to show off his scorching chops." Our note-for-note transcriptions will challenge any guitarist to see if they can masters John's licks. 10 songs, including: Cleansing the Soul * The Lead Sprinkler * Pear of Anquish * Pity Belt * Scavenger's Daughter * Sounds of Impalement * and more.

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