PDF⋙ Make a Difference: 365 World-Changing Devotions by Ken Castor

Make a Difference: 365 World-Changing Devotions by Ken Castor

Make a Difference: 365 World-Changing Devotions

Make a Difference: 365 World-Changing Devotions by Ken Castor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Our world needs you!

It is a mess out there. And you have been called by God to take initiative, to do something, to make a difference. It is in you to change the world because Jesus created you to do so.

Make A Difference is filled with 365 days of encouragement, Scripture, prayers, and difference-maker challenges to help you walk with Jesus and see the opportunities you have to bring his Good News to a world in desperate need.
It is your calling. It is your turn. It is your time. You can do it. Make a difference!

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