PDF⋙ Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned by O.N.Ward

Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned by O.N.Ward

Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned

Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned by O.N.Ward PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Could you or someone you know be married to a sociopath? The author of this book was, but it took her twenty years to figure it out. She wrote this book to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to other people. Onna thought the classmate she married was her Prince Charming—kind, honest, loving, and intellectually vibrant—but she was wrong. That “spark” she felt wasn’t true love, it was a trap—custom designed to ensnare her. Onna’s repayment for investing twenty years into her marriage and unwittingly providing her husband with a façade of normalcy was ongoing gaslighting and chronic emotional assault, all twisted and framed so she would attribute them to her own apparent shortcomings. By the time she understood what was really happening, her emotional, physical and financial health were in peril. Why did her husband do it? Because that’s what sociopaths do. Sociopaths are far more common than most people imagine. To help others recognize the subtle warning signs that they might be in the crosshairs of a well-camouflaged sociopath, Onna shares her story while detailing the techniques her ex-husband used to control her behavior and erode her self-esteem. She also explores the psychological research regarding why such methods are so effective, why it is hard to understand what is happening while you are in the situation, why the cumulative effect is so ruinous, and, more importantly, why you must escape if you suspect you are in a similar situation. This insightful, cautionary tale is a must read for men and women alike.

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