PDF⋙ Cooking for Muggles - The Harry Potter Cookbook: Harry Potter Recipes with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food by Martha Stephenson

Cooking for Muggles - The Harry Potter Cookbook: Harry Potter Recipes with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food by Martha Stephenson

Cooking for Muggles - The Harry Potter Cookbook: Harry Potter Recipes with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food

Cooking for Muggles - The Harry Potter Cookbook: Harry Potter Recipes with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food by Martha Stephenson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Just because the Harry Potter series of books has essentially ended doesn’t mean you have to let the boy wizard, or his magical world, go. In fact, you can keep the excitement and adventure that the books brought to millions of people alive by adding some magic into the mundane muggle world. One way to turn your daily life into something straight out Harry Potter’s world is to follow the 25 recipes found in “Cooking for Muggles: The Harry Potter Cookbook with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food”.

The recipes within this Harry Potter cookbook include desserts and snacks that are perfect for special occasions as well as everyday life. You will also find both non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks inspired by Harry Potter food. This means that while the kids are enjoying a tall mug of butterbeer, you can relax with an alcoholic version of the classical drink.

Each recipe included is written in a simple manner so that you can successfully recreate them no matter what your past cooking experience. They include a description of how the recipe fits into the magical world of Harry Potter, serving size, total time it will take to recreate the dish, complete ingredient list and step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. Furthermore, every recipe has been tested on multiple occasions to ensure it tastes as good as it sounds and is completely accurate.

So what are you waiting for? Start reading “Cooking for Muggles: The Harry Potter Cookbook with Desserts, Snacks and Drinks Inspired by Harry Potter Food” today!

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