PDF⋙ Parallel Computing and Communication Systems (Industrial Control, Computers and Communications Series) by David Schaefer

Parallel Computing and Communication Systems (Industrial Control, Computers and Communications Series) by David Schaefer

Parallel Computing and Communication Systems (Industrial Control, Computers and Communications Series)

Parallel Computing and Communication Systems (Industrial Control, Computers and Communications Series) by David Schaefer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The objective of this book is to impart to the student the essential elements of the architectures of high-speed parallel computers and provide an understanding of how different parallel architectures lead to high computational performance. The architectural characteristics of both current and historical parallel computers will be examined.
To aid in achieving these objectives, use will be made of computer descriptions that characterize a computer by use of "Data structure - Control structure (DS-CS)" Petri net models. These models contain two diagrams, one is the "Data Structure" that shows paths that are available for the transfer of data. The second diagram, the "Control Structure," specifies the control needed to manage the flow of data through the paths shown in the data structure.

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