PDF⋙ The Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years by Jean W. Lange PhD RN FAAN

The Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years by Jean W. Lange PhD RN FAAN

The Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years

The Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years by Jean W. Lange PhD RN FAAN PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Awarded a 2012 AJN Book of the Year Award

Why focus on the negative aspects of growing old while most older adults are leading positive, fulfilling, and active lives even while dealing with the changes associated with aging and chronic illnesses?

Promote healthy aging; learn what it means to age successfully; and develop the tools and resources that can optimize well-being during the later years in life with the guidance you'll find inside.

The author, a nationally recognized expert in the field of gerontology addresses the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs of older adults based on a holistic, mid-range nursing theory of successful aging. Contributions from healthcare professionals in exercise physiology, nutrition, pharmacy and elder law help you understand how these disciplines work together to benefit patients.

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The Nurse's Role in Promoting Optimal Health of Older Adults: Thriving in the Wisdom Years by Jean W. Lange PhD RN FAAN Doc

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