PDF⋙ Oil-lamps in the Holy Land: Saucer Lamps - From the beginning to the Hellenistic period (British Archaeological Reports British Series) by Varda Sussman
Oil-lamps in the Holy Land: Saucer Lamps - From the beginning to the Hellenistic period (British Archaeological Reports British Series) by Varda Sussman
Oil-lamps in the Holy Land: Saucer Lamps - From the beginning to the Hellenistic period (British Archaeological Reports British Series) by Varda Sussman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In the course of the past century, excavations in Palestine have turned up large numbers of oil lamps. This first volume in a planned catalogue raisonne, summarizes the typological development of Palestinian oil lamps from the earliest such items of the Late Chalcolithic period onward, and their historical, cultural, and political contexts. The abundance and great variety of the material make this, a difficult undertakingparticularly for the oil lamps of the earlier periods dealt with in the present volume. Detailed descriptions of many items in the collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority, as well as of recorded oil lamps from other sites and neighboring regions, serve here as a basis for generalizations and conclusions.From reader reviews:
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